Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Health care costs need serious debate

Bozeman state Rep. Tom Woods is proposing to put the rates hospitals charge under the control of the Public Service Commission. It would set all hospital rates at what Medicare pays for those services. And everyone – the insured, the uninsured, Medicaid and Medicare patients – would be charged the same, not the inexplicable hodgepodge of pricing we have today.

Under Woods’ legislation, if a hospital wants to charge anything over the Medicare rate, it would have to make a case before the PSC, which could grant or deny the rate increase.

The measure will likely meet a tsunami of resistance from the hospitals and those who insist health care rates be set by a free market. And it may ultimately be defeated by that resistance. But at the least the bill should start a badly needed conversation about soaring health care costs.

Free marketeers have long insisted consumers have a choice when it comes to health care. That may be true when you want to get a bunion removed or have Lasik eye surgery. You can call around and get the best price.

But if you are unfortunate enough to break your leg at the ski hill, are you going to shop around for the cheapest doctor? No, you take the quickest route to the hospital emergency room and hope for the best. Even if you were stoic enough to do some calling around, no one would – or even could – tell you what it’s going to cost to fix that leg without seeing it. But you better believe it’s going to cost you aplenty.

Woods’ bill is not without precedent. One state, Maryland, has regulated hospital rates for almost 40 years, and that state has the lowest hospital rates in the nation along with the second lowest health insurance costs.

Perhaps Woods’ proposed legislation won’t provide the solution to control health care costs here in Montana. It’s an idea, however, certainly worthy of debate.


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